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eDrone Project Version 2.1 now available in the Windows Store

ARDroneV2OutdoorHull 90x90.jpgeDrone Project Version 2.1 is now available in the Windows Store. This version incorporates improved ARDrone control and some surprises, such as the tilt control.

The full list of new features is as follows:

  • Added tilt control. Activated by the "Tilt On".
  • Added virtual proportional joystick control.
  • Added three buttons ("Sens 1", "Sens 2" and "Sens 3") That allow for change the keyboard sensitivity to 30%, 70% and 100%, respectively.
  • Added button for mode selection "Outdoor flight" / "Indoor flight"
  • Added button to select housing "Outdoor hull" / "Indoor hull"
  • Internal optimization method drone connection.
  • Improved communication fault tolerance.
  • Fixed BUG in the "Reconnect".


Thanks for your support!


(c) 2011 Duefectu Corp.
Duefectu Corp es parte de SD Assessors, S.A.